- AASTHO Horizontally Curved Steel Girder Highway Bridges
- Bridge Design Aids
- Bridge Design Manual LRFD
- Bridges Hydraulics
- Design of Highway Bridges
- PCI Bridge Design Manual
- Prestessed Bridges
- Cable Vibrations in Cable-Stayed Bridges
- Structural Bearings and Expansion Joints for Bridges
- Workshop on Bridge Design to Eurocodes
- Design Manual For Roads And Bridges - Loads For Highway Bridges
- 10th International Bridges and Structure Management
- 9th International Bridge Management Conference
- A Design Mmanual for Small Bridges
- A Guide to Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Trail Bridges
- A Guide to The Construction of Segmental Bridges
- AAHSTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications (5th Edition)
- AASHTO - Guide Speccifications for Design of Pedestrian Bridges
- AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications (2007) (SI)
- AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications (6th Eition) (2012 US)
- AASHTO Maintenance Manual for Roadways and Bridges (4th Edition)
- AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges (17th Edition)
- Accelerated Bridge Construction - Best Practices and Techniques
- Analysis and Design of Reinforced Concrete Bridges
- Analysis of Box Girder and Truss Bridges
- Application of Precast Deck and Other Elements to Bridge Structures
- Bailey Bridge
- Best Practices In Bridge Management Decision Making
- Bridge Aeroelasticity - Sensitivity Analysis and Optimum Design
- Bridge Aesthetics Around the World
- Bridge Bearings and Expansion Joints
- Bridge by Peter Bishop
- Bridge Construction Methods
- Bridge Construction Practices using Incremental Launching
- Bridge Construction
- Bridge Construction
- Bridge Deck Behaviour
- Bridge Decks Design, Construction, Rehabilitation, Replacement
- Bridge Design Code (Vol 1)
- Bridge Design for Economy and Durability
- Bridge Design Manual
- Bridge Design to Eurocodes - Worked Examples
- Bridge Design to Eurocodes
- Bridge Design to the Eurocodes - Simplified Rules for use in Student Projects
- Bridge Design
- Bridge Desk Analysis
- Bridge Engineering (Highway Bridge Structures)
- Bridge Engineering - Construction and Maintenance
- Bridge Engineering - Design, Rehabilitation, and Maintenance of Modern Highway Bridges
- Bridge Engineering - Seismic Design
- Bridge engineering - Substructure Design
- Bridge Engineering Automated Vehicle Application
- Bridge Engineering Handbook - Construction and Maintenance (2nd Edition)
- Bridge Engineering Handbook - Seismic Design (2nd Edition)
- Bridge Engineering Handbook - Substructure Design (2nd Edition)
- Bridge Engineering Handbook - SuperStructure Design (2nd Edition)
- Bridge Engineering Handbook
- Bridge Engineering Seismic Design
- Bridge Engineering
- bridge foundation and substructures
- Bridge Hydraulic Design
- Bridge Inspection
- Bridge Launching
- Bridge Loads
- Bridge Maintenance Safety Management and Life Extension
- Bridge Maintenance, Safety Management, Health Monitoring and Informatics
- Bridge Management (2nd Edition)
- Bridge Management - Inspection, Maintenance, Assessment and Repair
- Bridge Planning and Design Manual
- Bridge Planning and Design
- Bridge Railing Manual
- Bridge Rating
- Bridge Rehabilitation
- Bridge Repair Manual
- Bridge Seismic Design
- Bridge Standards and Procedure Manual
- Bridge Standards and Procedure Manuals
- Bridge Substructure and Foundation Design
- Bridge Superstructure Design
- Bridges - The Science and art of the World's Most Inspiring Structures
- Bridges Aesthetics and Design
- Bridges and Highways - Rehabilitation and Repair
- Bridges for High Speed Railways
- Bridging the Dutch Landscape
- Building Failures - Diagnosis and Avoidance
- Cable Stayed Bridges
- Cable Supported Bridges - Concept and Design (1st Edition)
- Cable Supported Bridges - Concept and Design (2nd Edition)
- Cable Supported Bridges
- Cable-Stayed Bridges - Theory and Design (2nd Edition)
- Calibration of Load Factors for LFRD Bridge Evaluation
- Christian Menn-Prestressed Concrete Bridges
- Combined Seismic Plus Live Load Analysis of Highway Bridges
- Composite Bridge Design for Small and Medium Spans
- Computational Analysis and Design of Bridge Structures
- Concrete Box-Girder Bridges
- Concrete Bridge Designer’s Manual
- Concrete Bridge Engineering
- Concrete Bridge Practice - Analysis, Design and Enonomics
- Concrete Bridges,Design and Construction
- Construction and Design of Prestressed Concrete Segmental Bridges
- Countermeasures to Protect Bridge Abutments fromScour
- Curtain Walls
- Curved Girder Bridge
- Damage Detection and Repair Methods for GFRP Bridge Deck
- Design Aids of NU I Girders Bridges
- Design and Consctruction Guidlines for Geosynthetic - Reinforced Soil Bridge Abutments with Flexible Facing
- Design Guide Economic and Durable Design of Composite Bridges withI ntegral Abutments
- Design Guide for Composite Highway Bridges
- Design Guide for Steel Railway Bridges
- Design of a Reinforced Concrete Deck-Girder Bridge to AASHTO & ACI Codes
- Design of Concrete Box Girder Bridge
- Design of Highway Bridges - An LRFD Approach
- Design of Highway Bridges
- Design of Main Girder
- Design of modern highrise reinforced concrete structures
- Design of Modern Highway Bridges
- Design of Modern Steel Highway Bridges
- Design of Modern Steel Railway bridges
- Design of Precast Piers for Rapid Bridge Construction in Seismic Region
- Design of Steel and Steel-Concrete Composite Bridges
- Design-Guide-for-Composite-Highway-Bridges
- Discover Bridge Over Missouri River
- Durable Bonded PT Concrete Bridges, Concrete Society
- Dynamics of Bridges (Volume 5)
- Dynamics of Railway Bridges
- Economical Bridge Solutions Based on Innovative Composite Dowels and Integrated Abutments
- Effect of Voids In Grouted Post-Tensioned Concrete Bridge Construction (Vol-1)
- Effect of Voids In Grouted Post-Tensioned Concrete Bridge Construction (Vol-2)
- Elaborate Simulation and Prediction of Seismic
- Elplanation of Excessive Long Time Deflections of Collapsed Record Span Box Girder Bridges
- Emerging Applications of High Performance Steel and Ultra SOund Impact Treatment
- Epoxy Coated Rebar Bridge Decks - Expected Service Life
- Esthetics in Concrete Bridge Design
- Evaluation of Bridge Scour Reseach - Pier Scour Processes and Predictions
- External Prestressing in Bridges
- Failed Bridges - Case Studies, Causes and Consequences
- Fatigue Life of Riveted Steel Bridges
- Finite Element Analysis And Design of Steel And Steel Concrete Composite Bridges
- Finite Element Analysis Of Externally Prestressed Segmental Bridges
- Footbridges - Construction, Design, History
- Grillage Analogy in Bridge Deck Analysis
- Guidance Notes on Best Practice in Steel Bridge Construction
- Guide Lines for Bridge Design
- Guide Specifications for Design and Consctruction of Segmental Concrete Bridges
- Gusset Plate Screening and Analysis on the Hawk Falls Bridge
- Handbook of International Bridge Engineering
- Health Monitoring of Precast Bridge Deck Panels Reinforced with Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) Bars
- Heat Straightening Repair of Damaged Steel Bridge Girders - Fatigue and Fracture Performance
- High Skew Link Slab Bridge System with Deck Sliding over Backwall or Backwall Sliding over Abutments
- High Skew Link Slab Bridge System
- Historic Bridges - Evaluation, Preservation, and Management
- History of the Modern Suspension Bridge
- Horizontal Curved Steel Box Girder Bridge
- ICE Manual of Bridge Engineering (2nd Edition)
- IDAHO Bridge Inspection Coding Guide
- Improced Corrosion-Resistant Steel for Highway Bridge Consctuction
- Improved Live Load Deflection Criteria for Steel Bridges
- Initial Investigation of Reinforced Concrete Filled Tubes for Bridge Foundation
- Innovations in Bridge Engineering Technology
- Integral and Semi-Integral Bridges
- Integral Concrete Bridges to Eurocode 2
- Intergral Bridges
- Lessons learned from the bridge collapse in Palau
- Load Rating of Complex Bridges
- Low Cost Steel Bridge Pile Inspection Technology
- LRFD Bridge Construction Spectifications
- LRFD Design Example for Steel girder superertructure bridge
- Manual for Bridge Evaluation (2nd Edition)
- Manual for Design, Construction and Maintenance of Orthotropic Steel Deck Bridges
- Masonry Arch Bridges
- Methodological Guide to Eurocode 2 - Application to Concrete Highway Bridges
- Modern Prestressed Concrete Highway Bridge Superstructures
- Monitoring Steel Girder Stability
- Motion Based Design of Cable-Stayed Bridges
- Movable Bridge Engineering
- Performance Load Testing and Structural Adequacy
- Performance of Concrete Segmental And Cable-Stayed Bridges in Europe
- Pier and Contraction Scour in Cohensive Soils
- Plate Buckling in Bridges and Other Structures
- Precast concrete bridges
- Precast Prestressed Concrete Horizontally Curved Bridge Beams
- Precast Segmental Box Girder Bridge Manual
- Precision Estimates of AASHTO T148 - Measuring Length of Drilled Concrete Cores
- Preliminary Design of Bridges for Architects and Engineers
- Prestressed Concrete Bridges
- Prestressed Concrete, Design and Construction
- Prestressed Steel Bridges, Theory and Design
- Primer for the Inspection and Strength Evaluation of Suspension Bridge Cables
- Rapidly Constructible Large-Bar Precast Bridge-Bent Seismic Connection
- Recent Advances in Bridge Engineering
- Recent Developments in Bridge Engineering
- Repair and Rehabilitation of Bridge Components Containing Epoxy - Coated Reinforcement
- Retrofit of Rectangular Bridge Column Using CFRP Wrapping
- Safety of Historical Stone Arch Bridges
- Scale Laboratory Observations of Wave Forces on a Highway Bridge Superstructure
- SCDOT - Bridge Design Manual
- SCI P154 Design of Steel Bridges for Durability
- Scour at Contracted Bridges
- Seismic Damage of Bridges in Earthquake
- Seismic Design Aids for Nonlinear Pushover Analysis of Reinforced Concrete and Steel Bridges
- Seismic design of steel building accordance to Eurocode 3 and 8
- Seismic Rectrofitting Guidlines for Complex Steel Truss Highway Bridges
- Seismic Retrofitting Guidelines For Complex Steel Truss Highway Bridges
- Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) for Prestressed Bridge Girders
- Self Compacting Concrete in Bridge Construction
- Simplifying Bridge Expansion Joint Design and Maintenance
- Standard Plan for Timber Bridge Superstructures
- Steel Bridge Bearing Design and Detailing Guidelines
- Steel Bridge Bearing Selection and Design Guide
- Steel Bridge Construction - Myths & Realities
- Steel bridges - A practical Approach to Design for Efficient Fabrication and Construction British Constructional Site
- Steel Bridges
- Steel Concrete Composite Bridge
- Steel Girder Superstructure Bridge
- Stress Ribbon and Cable-Supported Pedestrian Bridges
- The Brooklyn Bridge
- The design of Modern Steel Bridges
- The Design of Prestressed Concrete Bridges
- The Institution of Structural Engineers-Operation and Maintenance of Bridge Access Gantries and Runways (2nd Edition)
- The Messina Strait Bridge
- Theory and Design of Bridges
- Theory of Bridge Aerodynamics
- Timber Bridges-Design, Construction, Inspection, and Maintenance
- Urban Flyovers Structure, Architecture, Sustainability
- Use of Fiber Reinforced Polymers in Bridge Comstruction
- Wind Resistant Design of Bridges in Japan
Download Part I
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- A Brief Study of Using Membrane Sheel Plate in Assigning a Slab or Wall
- A Design Guide for Footfall Induced Vibration of Structures
- A Designer's Guide to Displacement Based Design of RC Structural Walls
- A Variational Approach to Structural Analysis, David V. Wallerstein
- Above Ground Storage Tanks
- ACI Detailing Manual
- Adaptive Structures - Engineering Applications
- Advanced Method of Structural Analysis
- Advanced Methods of Structural Analysis
- Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design
- Advanced Strength and Applied Stress Analysis
- Advanced Stress and Stability Analysis
- Advanced Structural Dynamics And Active Control Of Structures
- Advances in Design Optimization.CHM
- AH Allen Reinforced Concrete Design To BS8110
- Alternate Path Method in Progressive Collapse Analysis - Variation of Dynamic and Non-Linear Load Increase Factors
- An introduction to meshfree methods and their programming
- An Introduction to Structural Optimization (2)
- An introduction to structural optimization
- Analysis and Design Elastic Beams
- Analysis and Design of Plated Structures (2)
- Analysis and Design of Plated Structures
- Analysis and Design of Tall Buildings
- Analysis and Design og Elastic Beams
- Analysis and Optimization of Prismatic and Axisymmetric Shell Structures; Theory, Practice and Software.djvu
- Analysis of Alternative Systems for a Berthing Structures
- Analysis of Composite Structures
- Analysis of Concrete Structures by Fracture Mechanics
- Analysis of Engineering Structures
- Analysis of Structural Member Systems
- Analysis, Design and Construction of Steel Space Frames (2)
- Analysis, Design and Construction of Steel Space Frames
- Analytical Methods in Anisotropic Elasticity
- Analytical Modelling of Structural Systems
- Analyzing Uncertainty in Civil Engineering
- Anchorage Zone Reinforcement for Post-Tensioned Concrete Girder
- Architectural Engineering Design
- ASCE Design of Blast-Resistant Buildings in Petrochemical Facilities (2nd Edition)
- Asymptotic Methods in the Buckling Theory of Elastic Shells
- Basic Concepts and Conventional Methods of Structural Analysis
- Basic Engineering Plasticity - An Introduction with Engineering and Manufacturing Applications
- Basic Modeling and Analysis Concepts KL Aug 2002.ppt
- Beam Structures Classical and Advanced Theories
- Behavior, Analysis and Design og Complex Wall Systems
- Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Flat Slabs
- Bendings of Surfaces and Stability of Shells
- Blast and Progressive Collapse
- Boundary Elements
- Buckling of Thin Metal Structures
- Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and PCA Notes on ACI 318-8
- Building Fire Performance Analysis
- Building Information Modeling
- Building Structures
- Building_Structures
- Calibration of the Live Load Factor in LFRD Design Guidelines
- Car Park Designers' Handbook
- Circular Storage Tanks and Silos
- Code Master - Wind Design Overview 2009 IBC - ASCE 7-05
- Communication Structures
- Composite Beam Design to Eurocode 4
- Composite Repair - Theory and Design
- Composite Slabs and Beams using Steel Decking - Best Practice for Design and Construction
- Composite Structures
- Computational Mechanics in Structural Engineering
- Computational Methods for Plasticity - Theory and Applications
- Computational Structural Engineering
- Computer Aided Design of Cable Membrane Structures
- Computer Aided Structural Analysis
- Computer Analysis and Reinforced Concrete Design of Beams
- Concise Eurocode 2
- Concrete Beams with Openings (2)
- Concrete Beams with Openings
- Concrete Building Scheme
- Concrete design to EN1992
- Confined Masonry
- Connection Design.ppt
- Contact Problems in Elasticity
- Control and Observer Design for Nonlinear Finite and Infinite Dimensional Systems
- CPCI Design Manual - 4th Ed, Canadian Precast & Concrete Institue
- Cranes
- Cullen 2008 CDlowres
- Cullen Timber Engineering Connectors
- DamperDesignGuidelines-US
- Data Book for Civil Engineers - Design Handbook - EE Seelye
- Deck Design Guide
- Decoding EUROCODE 7
- Deflection Calculation in Detail
- Design Aids for Eurocode
- Design Analysis of Beams, Circular Plates and Cylindrical Tanks on Elastic Foundations
- Design and Construction Building in Value
- Design and Construction of Foundations by GP Manning
- Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures
- Design and Detailing of Movement Joints
- Design Guide - Post tensioned concrete floors
- Design Guide for Blast Resistant Structures, DJ Forbes
- Design Guide for Floor Vibration
- Design Guide for SHS Concrete Filled Columns, Corus
- Design Guidelines for Connections of Precast Structures under Seismic Action
- Design Handbook for RC Elements
- Design Loading for Deeply Buried Box Culverts
- Design notes for seismic design of building accordance to Eurocode 8
- Design of a Reinforced Concrete Deck-Girder Bridge to AASHTO & ACI Codes
- Design of Anchor Reinforcement
- Design of Blast Resistant Buildings in Petrochemical Facilities
- Design of Buildings for Wind- A Guide for ASCE 7-10 Standard Users and Designers of Special Structures_ 2nd Edition
- Design of Composite Beams using Precast Concrete Slabs
- Design of Concrete Buildings for Earthquake and Wind Forces - UBC 1997
- Design of Concrete Structures - 14th Edition
- Design Of Concrete Structures - Prof. Dhrubajyoti Sen
- Design of Concrete Structures
- Design of Hydraulic Structures.pptx
- Design of Liquid - Containing Concrete Structures foe Earthquake force
- Design of Liquid Containing Concrete Structures under Earthquake Forces DLCCSEF
- Design of Marine Structures
- Design of Prestressed Concrete Flat Slabs
- Design of RC as per ACI 318
- Design of Reinforced Concrete - ACI 318-11
- Design of Reinforced Concrete Foundations by PC Varghese
- Design of Reinforced Concrete Structure - Volume 1 - DR. Mashhour A. Ghoneim
- Design of Reinforced Concrete Structure - Volume 2 - DR. Mashhour A. Ghoneim
- Design of Reinforced Concrete Structure - Volume 3 - DR. Mashhour A. Ghoneim
- Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures - M L Gambhir 2008
- Design Of Reinforced Flat Slabs To BS 8110 (CIRIA 110)
- Design of Small Dams, 1987
- Design of Structural Elements
- Design Oriented Analysis of Structures - A Unified Approach
- Design recommendation for Composite Steel Framed Building in Fire
- Design Sensitivity Analysis of Structural Systems
- Design, Production and Placement of Self-Consolidating
- Designed & Detailed - BS 8110
- Designed & Detailed to BS 8110
- Designing Floor Slabs on Grade
- Development of Nondistructive Methods for Measurement of Slab Thickness and Madulus of Rupture in Concrete Pavements
- Direct Methods for Sparse Linear Systems
- Dynamic Response
- Dynamics in the Practice of Structural Design - Sircovich Sarr
- Dynamics of Thin Walled Elastic Bodies.djvu
- Economic Concrete Frame Elements to Eurocode 2
- Economic Long Span Concrete Floor Slabs
- Elastic Stability of Solids and Structures (2)
- Elastic Stability of Solids and Structures
- Elasticity in Engineering Mechanics
- Elasticity, J. R. Barber.djvu
- Elasticity
- Elasto Plastic and Damage Analysis of Plates and Shells
- Elementary Behaviour of Composite Steel and Concrete Structural Members, Deric Oehlers, Mark A. Bradford
- Elements of the theory of structures - Jacques
- Energy Simulation in Building Design
- Equivalent Frame Analysis for Slab Design
- EuroCode 2 Commentary
- Eurocode 8 - Seismic Design of Buildings - Worked Examples
- European Design Guide for Tensile Surface Structures
- Evaluation of Longitudinal Joint Tie Bar System
- Exact Analysis of Biperiodic structures
- Exact Solution for Buckling of Structural Members
- Experiment and Calculation of Reinforced Concrete at Elevated Temperatures
- Explosion-Resistant Buildings
- Factory Pipe Rack Foundation Hand Calculation and SAP2000
- Fatigue Design of Components, Gary Marquis & J. Solin
- Fatigue of Structures and Materials
- Fatigue Testing and Analysis
- Finite Element Analysis in Beam to Beam Contact
- Finite Element for Engineers
- Finite Element Method
- Finite element modeling of the consolidation behavior of multi-column
- Fire Safety Engineering
- Flextural and Tensile Properties of Thin very High Strenth Fiber Reinfoced Concrete Panels
- Flexural Anchorage
- Floating Structures - A Guide for Design and Analysis vol 2
- Floating Structures, A Guide for Design and Analysis
- Footings
- FRACOD Manual V22
- FRP Composites for Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Structures
- Fundamentals of Structural Analysis - 3rd Edition - Solution Manual
- Fundamentals of Structural Analysis
- Fundamentals of Structural Engineering
- Fundamentals of Structural Stability
- Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Dowel Bar Evaluation
- Global Structural Analysis of Buildings
- Graded Examples in Reinforced Concrete Design dias
- Graded Examples in Reinforced Concrete Design_3
- Guide for the Design and Construction of Concrete Parking Lots
- Guide to the Design and Construction of Reinforced Concrete Flat Slabs
- Guidelines for Seismic Evaluation and Design of Petrochemical Facilities
- Handbook for Blast Resistant Design of Buildings
- Handbook of Structural Engineering
- Handbook of Thin Plate Buckling and Postbuckling
- Handbook on Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing
- Hollow Sections In Structural Applications
- How to Design Concrete Buildings to Satisfy Disproportionate Collapse Requirements
- How to Design Concrete Structures using Eurocode 2 (2)
- How to Design Concrete Structures using Eurocode 2
- Hydrostatically Loaded Structures
- interaction curves
- Introduction to Boundary Elements
- Introduction to SACS
- Inverse Problems in Vibration
- lanczos-variational
- Lateral movements in composite high-rise buildings under Seismic Action
- Limit State of Materials and Structures
- Linear & Nonlinear Structural Mechanics
- Linear and Nonlinear Finite Strip Analysis of Bridges
- Linking Models and Experiments
- Load and Resistance Factor Design By Theodore V. Galambos
- Manual for Design and Detailings of Reinforced Concrete to Code of Practice for Structural Use of Concrete
- Manual
for the design of concrete building structures to Eurocode 2 (amended
September 2007, March 2008, March and August 2009 and May 2010)
- Manual for the design of concrete building structures to Eurocode 2
- Manual for the design of reinforced concrete building structure 2002
- Manual for the design of reinforced concrete building structures
- Manual of Design Reinforcement Structures
- Marek+Kubik+report
- Masonry Design and Detailing
- Masonry Structural Design
- Mathematical Elasticity
- Matrix Analysis of Framed Structure
- Matrix Method
- Matrix_Structural_Analysis
- McKenzie - Examples in Structural Analysis
- Mechanics of Structural Elements
- Mechanics of Structures Variational and Computational Methods
- Mechanics_Analysis_Composite_Materials
- Methods of Structural Analysis
- Modal Analysis
- Modal pushover analysis symmetric symmetric and unsymmetric plan buildings
- Modeling Complex Engineering Structures
- Modeling Complex Structures
- Modeling of Creep for Structural Analysis
- Modeling the Effects of Soil-Structure Interaction on a Tall Building Bearing on a Mat Foundation
- Modelling and Analysis of Infilled Frame Structures Under Seismic Loads
- Modern Experimental Stress Analysis (2)
- Modern Experimental Stress Analysis
- Modern Protective Structures
- Monitoring and Assessment of Structures
- Non- Destructive
- Nonlinear Analysis of Structures
- Nonlinear Structural Engineering
- Nonlinear Theory of Shallow Shells, I.I.Vorovich
- Numerical Analyses of Cable Roof Structures
- Numerical Modeling and Ecperimental Investigation of the Local Hydrology of a Porus Concrete Site
- Offshore Structures - Analysis and Design
- Parking Structure
- PCI Connections Manual (Design Guide)
- Performance Based Evaluation of Shear Walled RCC Building by Pushover Analysis
- Performance Based Seismic Evaluation of Icon Hotel in Dubai
- Performance of Lap Splices in Large Scale Column
- Performance-Based Design of Structural Steel for Fire Conditions
- Performance-Based Seismic Design Code for Buildings in Japan
- Piled Raft Foundations for Tall Buildings
- Plastic Analysis (2)
- Plastic Analysis
- Plastic Design of Frames (2)
- Plastic Design of Frames
- Plasticity - Mathematical Theory and Numerical Analysis (Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics
- Plasticity Theory
- Portal Frames.ppt
- Practical guide to structural robustness and disproportionate collapse in building
- Practical Stress Analysis in Engineering Design 3rd Ed
- Practical yield line Design (2)
- Practical Yield Line Design
- Practitioners Guide to Finite Element Modelling of Reinforced Concrete Structures
- Precast Concrete Frame Buildings - Design Guide
- Prediction camber deflection and prestress losses in prestressed concrete members
- Preliminary Design of a 20-story Reinforced Concrete Building
- Pressure Vessel Design Manual 3rd Edition
- Prestress Losses in Prestressed Bride Girders Cast with Self Consolidating Concrete
- Prestress Manual for inspectors
- Principles of Structural Design
- Principles of Structural Stability Theory (1974)
- Programming the Dynamics Analysis of Structures
- Punching Shear Calculation
- Punching Shear in Concrete Slabs
- Push Over Analysis.ppt
- Pushover Analysis
- RC Beam Column Joint
- Reanalysis of Structures
- Recommended LFRD Minimum Flextural Reinforcement Requirements
- Reinforce concrete - Chimney and Towers
- Reinforced Column Beam Joints.ppt
- Reinforced Concrete Analysis and Design - S S Ray
- Reinforced concrete analysis and design
- Reinforced Concrete Beams, Columns and Frames
- Reinforced concrete deep beams
- Reinforced Concrete Design (2)
- Reinforced concrete Design - IS 456-2000
- Reinforced concrete design - limit state - p c varghese (scanned)
- Reinforced concrete design a practical approach
- Reinforced Concrete Design by Computer
- Reinforced Concrete Design by Everard and Tanner
- Reinforced Concrete Design by Pillai & Menon
- Reinforced concrete design by Pillai and Menon
- Reinforced Concrete Design by W H MOSLEY
- Reinforced Concrete Design Handbook
- Reinforced Concrete Design in accordance to AS3600-2001
- Reinforced Concrete Design Limit State - Varghese P C
- Reinforced Concrete Design Mosley Bungey
- Reinforced Concrete Design of Tall Buildings by Bungale S. Taranath
- Reinforced Concrete Design Theory & Examples - T J MacGINLEY
- Reinforced Concrete Design Theory and Example 3ed
- Reinforced Concrete Design Theory and Examples 3Ed
- Reinforced Concrete Design To BS 8110
- Reinforced Concrete Design, 3rd ed,Leet
- Reinforced Concrete Design-Krishnaraju
- Reinforced Concrete Design
- Reinforced Concrete Mechanics and Design - James G MacGregor
- Reinforced Concrete Mechanics and Design 6th Edition by Wight MacGregor
- Reinforced Concrete Slabs by Robert Park and William L.Gamble 2000
- Reinforced Concrete Structures - Lecture Note
- Reinforced concrete structures
- Reinforcement Concrete Design with FRP Composites
- Reliability Based Structural Design
- Residential Cellular Concrete Buildings
- Residual Stress Effects on Fatigue and Fracture Testing and Incorporation of Results Into Design
- Response Spectrum.ppt
- Retrofitting Design of Building Structures
- Rreinforced Concrete
- Rules of Thumb for Steel Design
- sabook
- SCI Design of Composite Slabs and Beams
- SDI Manual of Construction with Steel Deck
- Seawall Design
- Seismic & Wind Design Of Concrete Buildings
- Seismic Building Systems.ppt
- Seismic Design for Buildings
- Seismic Design of Reinforced and Precast Concrete Buildings By Robert E. Englekirk
- Service Life of Corrosion Damged Reinforced Concrete Bridge Superstructure Elements
- Shear Wall Frame Interaction (2)
- Shear Wall Frame Interaction
- Shear Wall Frame
- Shear Wall Frame.ppt
- Shock, Impact and Explosion
- Shore approach 26 years performance of high quality concrete in a marine environment
- Simple Bridge Design Using Prestressed Beams
- Simplified Computations
- Simplified Design - Reinforced Concrete Buildings of Moderate Size and Height
- Simplified Live Load Distribution Factor Equations
- Simplified Shear Design of Structural COncrete Members
- Slender Column - Sway Frame - ACI 318-08 PCA Notes Design Example 11-2
- Snow and Wind Loading
- Soil–structure interaction in tall buildings by a discrete force method
- Space Grid Structures
- Spreadsheets for Concrete Design BS 8110 and EC2
- Spreadsheets in Structural Design 1995
- Stability and Optimization of Structures
- Stability of Buildings
- Stability of Structures Elastic, Inelastic, Fracture, and Damage Theories
- Stability of Structures
- Staggered Truss Framing Systems Using ETABS
- Standard Handbook of Engineering Calculations
- standard method of detailing structural concrete
- Standard Structural Design of Law Rise Residential Building in Reinforced Concrete Construction
- standard_handbook_of_engineering_calculations
- Static and Dynamic Response of a Sandsich Structure under Axial Compression
- Static and Dynamic Response
- Statically Indeterminate Structures
- Steel Strucures in Seismic Zones
- Strength Design of Anchorage to Concrete (2)
- Strength Design of Anchorage to Concrete
- Strength of Materials (Materials Science and Technologies Series)
- Stress Analysis - Theory, Tutorials and Examples
- Structur Analysis
- Structural Analysis (2)
- Structural Analysis - 6th Edition - SI units - R C Hibbeler
- Structural Analysis - Matthew L Camilleri
- Structural Analysis - R C Hibbeler
- Structural Analysis - R. C. Hibbeler
- Structural Analysis - The Analytical Method
- Structural Analysis and Design of Process Equipment
- Structural Analysis and Design of Tall Buildings Steel and Composite Construction
- Structural Analysis and Design of Tall Buildings
- Structural Analysis Book
- Structural Analysis Hibbler 6th edition
- Structural Analysis In Theory and Practice
- Structural Analysis of Historic Construction
- Structural Analysis of Polymeric Composite Materials
- Structural Analysis of Regular Multi-Storey Buildings
- Structural ANalysis System Installation
- Structural Analysis The Analytical Method
- Structural Analysis, A Unified Classical and Matrix Approach, Ghali
- Structural Analysis
- Structural and Stress Analysis (2nd Edition)
- Structural Concrete 'Finite-element analysis for limit-state design' (465-565)
- Structural Connections Precast Concrete Building
- Structural Damping - Applications in Seismic Response Modification
- Structural Design of Stainless Steel - SCI P291
- Structural Design Optimization
- Structural Detailing in Concrete - Civilax.com
- Structural Details In Concrete
- Structural Elements for Architects and Builders
- Structural Engineering Analysis and Design
- Structural Fire Design
- Structural Foundation Designers Manual
- Structural Health Monitoring with Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensors
- Structural Health Monitoring
- Structural Impact (2)
- Structural Impact
- Structural Mechanics
- Structural Merphology
- Structural Modeling and Experimental Techniques
- Structural Optimization with Uncertainties
- Structural Optimization
- Structural Plasticity - Limit, Shakedown and Dynamic Plastic Analyses of Structures
- Structural Scheme Design Guide - Arup
- Structural Sensitivity Analysis and Optimization
- Structural Stability of Columns and Plates - N.G.R.Iyenger
- Structural System for Tall Buildings
- Structural Systems Behaviour and Design
- Structural Timber Design
- Structural-Analysis
- StructuralAnalysis.ppt
- Structural_analysis (2)
- Structural_Analysis
- Structural_Analysis_7-ed.book
- Structural_Engineers_Professio
- Structure and Fabric - Part 1 7th Ed
- Structures Subjected to Repeated Loading - R. Narayanan
- Strut and Tie Model
- Strut and Tie Modelling
- Strut-and-tie modelling of reinforced concrete pile-caps
- Stud Welding of Shear Connectors on Steel Bridges
- Study on High-rise Structure with Oblique Columns by ETABS, SAP2000, MIDASGEN and SATWE
- Tall Building Full
- Tall Building Structures (2)
- Tall Building Structures-S Taranath
- Tall Building Structures
- Tall Buildings Initiative
- Tall Buildings
- Tension Structures Form and Behavior
- The (Wood) Span Book 2004 Edition
- The ACI Dealing Certificat
- The Art of Resisting Extreme Natural Forces
- the design life of structures
- The Design of Prestressed Concrete Bridges
- The Design of Tall Buildings
- The Equivalent Frame Analysis for Reinforced Concrete Slabs
- The History of the Theory of Structures
- The Nature of Windstorm and Wind Induced Damages
- The Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete Frame Buildings with Masonary Infill walls
- The Stability of Elastic Equilibrium
- The Stability of the Elastic Equlibrium
- The Tall Buildings Initiative
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- Theories and Applications of Plate Analysis by Rudolph Szilard
- Theory and Analysis of Nonlinear Framed Structures
- Theory of Arched Structures
- Theory of Structures
- Theory of Structures
- The_Design of Water Retaining Structures
- Thin Plates and Shells - Theory, Analysis and Applications
- Thin-Walled Structures with Structural Imperfections
- Three Dimensional Static Analysis of Structures
- Three Dimensional Static and Dynamic Analysis of Structure
- Thumbs.db
- Tilt Up Concrete Buildings - Design Guide
- Time Effects in Concrete Structures -R.Gilbert
- Time Saving Concrete Structure - Two Way Post Tension Design
- Time Saving Design Aids - Columns
- Torsion of Circular Section
- Ultimate limit state design of concrete structures - A new approach
- Understanding Structural Analysis
- Using Spreadsheets and VBA for Teaching Civil Engineering Concepts
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- Validation of Prestressed Concrete I beam Deflection and Camber Estimates
- Verification of Strut and Tie Method
- Vibration Analysis with Matlab
- Vibration of Buildings to Wind and Earthquake Loads - T.Balendra
- Vibration of Mindlin Plates
- Vibration of Shells
- Widespan Roof Structures
- Wind and Earthquake Resistant Building
- Wind Effect on Structures
- Wind Effects on Buildings and Design of Wind Sensitive Structures
- Wind Effects on Buildings and Design of Wind-Sensitive Structures
- Wind Loading of Structures
- Wind Loading Structures
- Wind Loads for Petrochemical and Other Industrial Facilities
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- Worked Examples for the Design of Concrete Buildings
- Worked Examples for the Design of Concrete Buildings_1
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- Analysis and Design of Foundations
- Design and Construction of Concrete Masonry Building
- Design of Structures with Yeild Lines
- Structural Detailing
- Concrete DesignComplition by Eng. Khalid
- Fundamentals of Structural Mechanics
- Matrix Analysis of Structures
- Modelling of creep of Structural Analysis
- Reinforced concrete Design guide
- Reinforced concrete Design according to ACI 318-05
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- 200 Questions and Answers on Practical Civil Engineering Works
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- A Practical Equation for Elastic Modulus of Concrete
- Advanced Materials and Techniques for Reinforced Concrete Structures
- Advances in FRP Composites in Civil Engineering
- Aluminum Design Manual
- Analysis And Design Of Marine Structures
- Analysis and Design of Shear Wall
- Analysis Of Shear Wall Subjected To Lateral Load
- Analytical Modelling of Structural Systems
- ASCE 7-10 Wind Loads For Signs, Other Structures, Roof top Structures & Equipment, And Other Special Conditions
- Basic Principles of Plate Theory
- Behavior, Analysis, And Design Of Complex Wall Systems
- BIM Handbook - A Guide To Building Information Modeling For Owners, Managers, Designers, Engineers, And Contractors
- Braced Frameworks An Introduction to the Theory of Structures
- Buckling Experiments Experimental Methods in Buckling of Thin-Walled Structures (Vol 1)
- Buckling Experiments Experimental Methods in Buckling of Thin-Walled Structures (Vol 2)
- Building Engineering and Systems Design
- Building Information Modeling
- Burj Dubai Structural Systems
- Column Shortening in Tall Structures
- Comparison Of Computer Programs For Analysis Of Reinforced Slopes
- Composite Structures, Design, Safety And Innovation
- Composites For Construction - Structural Design With FRP Materials
- Computational Methods in Reinforced Concrete Structure
- Computer Aided Analysis and Design
- Computer Simulation of Ultimate Strength Degradation of Ship Structures by Corrosion and Fatigue
- Concrete Curing of Portland Cement Concrete Pavements Volume 1
- Concrete Formwork Systems
- Concrete Shear Wall Design
- Concrete-Filled Steel Tubular Structures
- Construction of Fills
- Core Structures
- Design And Analysis Of Heavily Loaded Reinforced Concrete Link Beams For Burj Dubai
- Design Of Foundations For Dynamic Loads
- Design of Liquid-containing Concrete Structures for Earthquake Forces
- Design Of Modern Highrise Reinforced Concrete Structures
- Design of Offshore Concrete Structures
- Design Of Pile Foundations Following Eurocode 7
- Design of Prestressed Concrete
- Design Of Reinforced Concrete Columns Under Centric Load According To Eurocode 2
- Design Of Reinforced Masonry Structures
- Design of Structural Elements
- Design of Timber Structures According to EC 5
- Design Table for Water-Retaining Structures
- Displacement-Based Seismic Design of Structures
- Durability Design Of Concrete Structures - Part 1 Analysis Fundamentals
- Durability Design of Concrete Structures
- Durability Of Engineering Structures
- Economic Concrete Frame Elements
- Elastic Foundations
- Elementary Theory of Elastic Plates
- Energy Theorems and Structural Analysis
- Engineers -a History Of Engineering And Structural Design
- Eurocode 2 - Design of Concrete Structures
- Eurocode 2 Worked Examples
- Eurocode 8 - Seismic Design of Buildings Worked examples
- Eurocodes Background & Applications - Structural Fire Design
- Explosion-Resistant Buildings
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- Finite Element Design of Concrete
- Finite Element Structural Analysis On An Excel Spreadsheet
- Foundation Design For The Burj Dubai – The World’s Tallest Building
- Fundamentals Of Building Construction
- Fundamentals of Reinforced Concrete Design
- Global Structural Analysis of Buildings
- Guidance for the Design of Steel-Fiber-Reinforced Concrete
- Handbook 1 - Timber Structures
- Hybrid Solutions for Tall Buildings
- ICE Manual Of Structural Design - Buildings
- Inelastic Analys of Structures
- Integrated Materials and Construction Practices for Concrete Pavement
- Introduction to Civil Engineering Systems
- Introduction to Structural Aluminium Design
- Lifetime-oriented Structural Design Concepts
- Manual For The Design Of Building Structures To Eurocode 1 And Basis Of Structural Design
- Manual For The Design Of Concrete Building Structures To Eurocode 2
- Manual For The Seismic Design Of Steel And Concrete Buildings To Eurocode 8
- Materials and Joints in Timber Structures
- Minimum Reinforcement in Concrete Members
- Modern Prestressed Concrete - Design Principles And Construction Methods
- Multi-scale Modeling of Structural Concrete
- Nonlinear Earthquake Response Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Buildings
- Nonlinear Structural Analysis For Seismic Design
- Numerical Structural Analysis
- Offshore Structure Modeling
- Optimal Structural Analysis
- Optimum Location of Shear Wall in Tall Buildings
- Performance Assessment Of Shear-Critical Reinforced Concrete Plane Frames
- Plasticity in Reinforced Concrete
- Prestressed Concrete A Fundamental Approach
- Principles of Reinforced Concrete Design
- Principles of Reinforced Concrete
- Progressive Collapse Resistance of Axially-Restrained Frame Beams
- Punching Strength of Reinforced Concrete Footings
- Pushover Analysis For Performance Based-seismic Design Of Rc Frames With Shear Walls
- Pushover Analysis Of A 19 Story Concrete Shear Wall Building
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- Reinforce Concrete Chimney and Towers
- Reinforced Concrete Design - 7th Edition
- Reinforced Concrete Design Theory and Examples (2nd Edition)
- Reinforced Concrete Design Theory and Examples (3rd Edition)
- Reinforced Concrete Design To BS8110
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- Reinforced Concrete Slabs – Analysis and Design
- Reliability and Optimization of Structural Systems - Assessment, Design and Life-Cycle Performance
- Shell Elements
- Simplified Design of Reinforced Concrete Buildings
- Simulation Of The Shaking Table Test Of A Seven Story Shear Wall Building
- Spar Platforms - Technology And Analysis Methods
- Stability and Optimization of Flexible Space Structures
- Staircases Structural Analysis and Design
- Static and Dynamic Buckling of Thin-Walled Plate Structures
- Statics For Dummies
- Stochastic Methods in Structural Dynamics
- Structural Concrete Theory and Design (4th Edition)
- Structural Design Guide To the AISC (LRFD) Specification for Buildings
- Structural Design in Woood
- Structural Design of Masonry
- Structural Design Of Raft Foundation
- Structural Design of Tall Building
- Structural Design Report for 3 Storey Building
- Structural Elements Design Manual Working with Eurocodes
- Structural Elements Design Manual
- Structural Engineering of Transmission Lines
- Structural Engineering Reference Manual
- Structural Foundation Designers Manual
- Structural Impact Of Construction Loads
- Structural Mechanics- Graph and Matric Method
- Structural Modeling And Analysis
- Structural Optimization With Uncertainties
- Structural Steel Drafting and Design (2nd Edition)
- Structures for Nuclear Facilities Analysis, Design, and Construction
- Structures For Nuclear Facilities
- Summation Theorems In Structural Stability
- The Analysis of Cable & Catenary Structures
- The Analysis Of Stress And Deformation
- The Boundary Element Method in Engineering
- The Construction of New Buildings Behind Historic Facades
- The History of the Theory of Structures From Arch Analysis to Computational Mechanics
- The International Handbook of FRP Composites in Civil Engineering
- The Tensioned Fabric Roof
- Theory Of Nonlinear Structural Analysis
- Theory of Plasticity and Limit Design of Plates
- Timber
Research and Development Association, Institution of Structural
Engineers Manual for the design of timber building structures to
Eurocode 5 2007
- Tower foundation design
- UBC Checklist
- Worked Examples According to EN1993-1-3 Eurocode 3
- Worked Examples for the Design of Concrete Buildings
Structural Analysis and Design Books (Updates on 1.2.2015) | 2.91 GB
Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI
Structural Analysis and Design Books (Updates on 4.2.2014) | 8.91 GB
Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI Part VII Part VIII Part IX Part X Part XI Part XII Part XIII Part XIV Part XV Part XVI Part XVII Part XVIII Part XIX Part XX
- 300 Solved Problems in Soil, Rock Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
- A Collection of Frequently used Soil Parameters and Correlations
- A Designers’ Simple Guide to BS EN 1997
- A Finite Element Framework for Geotechnical Applications Based on Object-Orientated Programming
- A Short Course in Geotechnical Site Investigation
- A Structured Cam Clay Model
- Acoustic Emission - Microseismic Activity Principles, Techniques and Geotechnical Applications
- Advanced Foundation Engineering
- Advanced Geotechnical Analyses
- Advanced Soil Mechanics (Thai Language)
- Advanced Soil Mechanics 3rd Edition
- Advanced Unsaturated Soil Mechanics and Engineering - Bruce Menzies - 2007
- Advanced Unsaturated Soil Mechanics and Engineering
- Advances in Environmental Geotechnics
- An Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering
- An Introduction to Helical Foundation Systems
- An Introduction to Soil Dynamics (Theory and Applications of Transport in Porous Media)
- An introduction to soil mechanics and foundations
- Analysis and Design of Shallow and Deep Foundations
- Analysis of Beams on Elastic Foundations
- Analysis of Soil Penetration, Theoretical Background
- Anchor Bolt Design
- Applications of Computational mechanics in Geotechnical Engineering
- Applied Analysis in Geotechnics
- Applied Soil Mechanics with ABAQUS Applications
- ASCE - Subsurface Drainage for Slope Stabilization
- ASCE 20-96 - Standard Guidelines for the Design and Installation of Pile Foundations
- Assessing the Long-Term Performance of Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls
- Axial Capacity of Piles Supported on Intermediate Geomaterials
- Basic Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
- Basic Soil Mechanics - 3rd Edition
- Basic Soil Mechanics
- Basics of Foundation Design (2006 Edition)
- Basics of Foundation Design (2011 Edition)
- Basics of Foundation Design
- Basics of Retaining Wall Design - 8th Edition
- Basics of Retaining Wall Design - 9th Edition
- Basics of Retaining Wall Design By Hugh Brooks
- Bearing Capacity Analysis and Design of Highway Base Materials Reinforced with Geofabrics
- Bearing Capacity of Soil
- Behavior of Pipe Piles in Sand
- Bentonite Support Fluids In Civil Engineering
- Bifurcation Analysis in Geomechanics
- Block wall design manual
- BORED pile and pile cap design
- Boundary Element Methods for Soil-Structure Interaction
- Bridge Foundation and Substructures
- Builder's Foundation Handbook
- Calibration of Load and Resistance Factors in LRFD Foundation Design Specifications
- Calibration of Resistance Factors Needed in the LRFD Design of Drilled Shafts
- California Foundation Manual
- Canadian Foundation Engineering Manual (4th Edition)
- Case History Evaluation of the Behaviour of Drilled Shafts Under Axial and Lateral Loading
- Characterisitc of geologic Materials and Formation
- Chelating Agents for Land Decontamination Technologies
- Chemical Grouting and Soil Stabilization
- Comparison of Five Different Methods for Determining Pile Bearing Capacities
- Composite Marine Piling Design Guide
- Computational GeoMechanics
- Computational Modeling of Multiphase Geomaterial
- Computational Modeling of Multiphase Geomaterials
- Concrete Foundation for Farm Buildings
- Cone Penetration Testing - 5th Edition
- Cone Penetration Testing
- Cone Penetration Testing
- Consolidation of Soils Testing and Evaluation
- Constitutive Modeling of Geomaterials (2)
- Constitutive Modeling of Geomaterials
- Constitutive Modeling of Soils and Rocks
- Construction and Design of Cement Grouting - A Guide to Grouting in Rock Foundations
- Correlations of Soil Properties
- Craig's Soil Mechanics (7th Edition) Solutions Manual
- Craig's Soil Mechanics (7th Edition)
- Craig's Soil Mechanics (8th Edition)
- Critical State Soil Mechanics
- Cyclic Loading of Soils
- Decoding Eurocode 7
- Deep Excavation - Theory and Practice
- Deep Excavation in Clay
- Deep Excavation, Theory and Practice
- Deep Excavations - A Practical Manual
- Deep Foundation Improvements - Design Construction and Testing
- Deep Foundations on Bored and Auger Piles
- Deep Soil Stabilization Design and Construction of Lime and Lime Cement Columns
- Deep Soil Stabilization
- Deformation Analysis in Soft Ground Improvement
- Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials
- Deformations and Damage to Buildings Adjacent to Deep Excavations in Soft Soils
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- Design of Deep Foundations
- Design aids in soil mechanics and foundation engineering
- Design Analysis in Rock Mechanics
- Design and construction guidelines for downdrag on uncoated and bitumen-coated piles
- Design and Construction of Deep Basements Including Cut-And-Cover Structures
- Design and construction of driven pile foundation Vol I
- Design and Construction of Driven Pile Foundation
- Design and Construction of Foundations by GP Manning
- Design and Construction of Mat Foundations
- Design and Performance Verification of Ultra-High Performance Concrete Piles for Deep Foundations
- Design Application of Raft Foundations
- Design Applications of Raft Foundations
- Design Guide Helical Piles and Tension Anchors
- Design Guides for Offshore Structures
- Design Manual for excavation support using deep mixing technology
- Design of Drilled Shafts
- Design of Pile Foundation
- Design of Pile Foundations in Liquefiable Soils
- Design of piles in sand in the UK Sector of the North Sea
- Design of Shallow Foundations
- Design of Sheet Pile Cellular Structures
- Design of Small Dams (2)
- Design of Small Dams
- Design problems in soil liquefaction
- Designing with Geosynthetics (5th Edition)
- Developing Production Pile Driving Criteria from Test Pile Data
- Development of a coupled bridge pier and foundation finite element code
- Development
of Load and Resistance Factor Design for Ultimate and Serviceability
Limit States of Transportation Structure Foundations
- Dewatering and Groundwater Control (2)
- Dewatering and Groundwater Control
- Disturbed Soil Properties And Geotechnical Design
- Drilled Shaft Foundation Defects - Identification, Imaging, and Characterization
- Drilled Shaft In Rock Analysis And Design
- Drilled Shaft
- Drilling - The Manual of Methods, Applications, and Management
- Driven Piles are Tested Piles
- Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction
- Dynamics of Bases & Foundations
- Dynamics of Structure and Foundation - A Unified Approach - Fundamentals
- Earth Anchors (1990)
- Earth Anchors
- Earth Dam
- Earth Manual - Part 1
- Earth Pressure and Earth-Retaining Structures
- Earth Reinforcement and Soil Structure
- Earth Retention Systems Handbook
- Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering Design (2)
- Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering Design
- Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering Volume 2
- Eco and Ground Bio Engineering - The use of Vegitation to Improve Slope Stability
- Eco- and Ground Bio-Engineering - The Use of Vegetation to Improve Slope Stability
- Effects of Liquefaction on Pile Foundations
- Efficient Design of Piled Foundations for Low Rise Housing
- Elastic Analysis of Raft Foundations
- Elastic Analysis of Soil-foundation Interaction (Developments in Geotechnical Engineering), A.P.S. Selvadurai
- Elastic Analysis of Soil-Foundation Interaction
- Elastic Solutions for Soil and Rock Mechanics
- Elements of Soil Mechanics (7th Edition)
- Embankments on Organic Soils
- Engineering Policy Guidelines for Design of Earth Slopes
- Engineering Policy Guidelines For Design Of Spread Footings
- Engineering Properties of Rocks
- Environmental Soil Properties and Behaviour
- Estimating Soil Properties to Foundation Design
- Evaluation of Continuity Detail for Precast Prestressed Girders
- Evaluation of Geotechnical Design Parameters Using the Seismic Piezocone
- excavation systems planning design and safety
- Excavation Systems Planning, Design, and Safety
- Excavations and Foundations in Soft Soils
- Expansive Soils - Recent Advances in Characterization and Treatment
- Expansive Soils, Problems and Practice in Foundation and Pavement Engineering
- Experimental unsaturated soil mechani
- Field and Laboratory Performance Evaluation of Spread Footings
- Finite Element Analysis in Geotechnical Engineering Volume 1 - Theory & Application
- Finite Element Analysis in Geotechnical Engineering Volume 2 - Application
- Forensic Geotechnical and Foundation Engineering (2nd Edition)
- Formation, Evolution, and Stability ofCoastal Cliffs–Status and Trends
- Foundation Analysis and Design (3rd Edition) by Joseph E. Bowles
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- Foundation Analysis and Design (Powerpoint 2)
- Foundation Analysis and Design (Powerpoint)
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- Foundation Design & Construction 6th Edition
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- Foundation Design - Principles & Practice (2nd Edition)
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- Foundation Design - Theory and Practice
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- Foundation Design and Construction (7th Edition) by M. J. Tomlinson
- Foundation Design and Construction
- Foundation Design by Wayne C. Teng
- Foundation Design Construction-M J Tomlinson
- Foundation Design for High Tension Cable Guardrails
- Foundation design for the Emirates Twin Towers Dubai
- Foundation Design Manual for Practicing Engineer By Narayan Nayak
- Foundation Design Presentation
- Foundation Design Simply Explained
- Foundation Design-Theory and Practice
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- Foundation Engineering (2nd Edition)
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- Foundation Engineering Design and Construction in Tropical Soils
- Foundation Engineering for Difficult SubsoilConditions (2nd Edition)
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- Foundation Engineering for Expansive Soils
- Foundation Engineering Handbook based on IBC 2006 (R. W. Day)
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- Foundation Engineering Handbook - Robert W. Day 2
- Foundation Engineering Handbook - Robert W. Day
- Foundation Engineering Handbook by H.Y. Fang
- Foundation Engineering Handbook, 2nd Edition
- Foundation Engineering Handbook
- Foundation for Transmission Line Tower
- Foundation for Industrial Machines - Handbook for Practising Engineers
- Foundation for Transmission Line Towers
- Foundation Manual
- Foundation on Rock - 2nd Edition
- Foundation Vibration Analysis
- Foundations & Earth Structures
- Foundations in Expansive Soils
- Foundations of Engineering Geology
- Foundations, Basements and External Works
- Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering
- Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics
- Fundamentals of Soil Dynamics by Braja M. Das
- Fundamentals of Soil Mechanics for Sedimentary and Residual Soils
- Geomechanics of Failures
- Geomembranes and the Control of Expansive Soils in Construction
- Geostatistics for Environmental and Geotechnical Applications
- Geosynthetics in Civil Engineering
- Geotechnical Centrifuge Technology
- Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Handbook by Robert W. Day
- Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Handbook
- Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Second Edition
- Geotechnical Engineering - A Practical Problem Solving Approach
- Geotechnical Engineering - Soil and Foundations Principles And Practice
- Geotechnical Engineering for Mine Waste Storage Facilities
- Geotechnical Engineering Handbook - Volumes 1-3
- Geotechnical Engineering Handbook
- Geotechnical Engineering in Residual Soils
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Geotechnical Instrumentation for Monitoring Field Performance
- Geotechnical Laboratory Measurements for Engineers
- Geotechnical Manual
- Geotechnical Slope Analysis
- Geotechnics for Building Professionals
- Geotechnics of High Water Content Materials
- Granular and Complex Materials
- Ground Anchor Systems
- Ground Anchors and Anchored Structures
- Ground and Soil Improvement
- Ground Improvement - 2nd Edition
- Ground Improvement
- Ground Motions and Soil Liquefaction During Earthquakes
- Ground Reinforcement
- Ground Vibration Engineering
- Groundwater Lowering in Construction - A Practical Guide
- Guide to In Situ Testing
- Guide to Reinforced Fill Structure and Slope Design
- Guide to Retaining wall design
- Guide to Slope Maintenance
- Guide to Soil Nail Design and Construction
- Guidelines for Analysing and Mitigating Liquefaction in California
- Guidelines for Pipe Bursting
- Guidelines for the Use of Advanced Numerical Analysis (in Geotechnical Engineering)
- Guidelines for the Use of Advanced Numerical Analysis in Geotechnical Engineering
- Guidelines for the use of Advanced Numerical Analysis
- H-Pile Design Guide
- Handbook of Geotechnical Investigation and Design Tables
- Handbook of Machine Foundations - Srinavaslu Vaidyanathan
- Handbook of Machine Foundations
- Handbook of Soil Analysis Mineralogical, Organic and Inorganic Methods
- Handbook of Tropical Residual Soils Engineering
- Handbook on Liquefaction Remediation of Reclaimed Land
- Handbook on Pile load Testing
- Helical Piles - A Practical Guide to Design and Installation
- House Foundations for the Builde and BuildingDesigner
- ICE Manual of Geotechnical Engineering
- ICE Specification for Piling and Embedded Retaining Walls - 2nd Edition
- In Situ Testing - Soil Properties Correlations
- INDOT - Geotechnical Manual
- Infrared Thermal Integrity Testing Quality Assurance Test Method to Detect Drilled Shaft Defects
- Innovations in Controlled Low-Strength Material
- Innovative Numerical Modelling in Geomechanics
- Installation Manual of Sheet Pile
- Instroduction to Unsaturated Soil Mechanics
- Internal Friction of Material
- Interpretation & use of Piezocone Test Data for Geotechnical Design - CPT Manual
- Interpretation of Laboratory and In-Situ Soil Tests
- Introduction to Rock Mechanics - 2nd Edition
- Introduction to Soft Soil Geotechnique; Content, Context and Application
- Introduction to the Mechanics of Soils Foundations
- Introduction to Tunnel Construction
- Introductory Geotechnical Engineering - An Environmental Perspective
- Investigating Composite Behavior of Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Mass
- Jet Grouting Guideline
- Laboratory Shear Strength of Soil
- Landmarks in Earth Reinforcement (Volume 2)
- Landslide Disaster Mitigation in Three Gorges Reservoir
- Landslide Risk Assessment
- Landslides Disaster Risk Reduction
- Large Scale Load Test and Data Base of Spread Footings on Sand
- Learned and Applied Soil Mechanics Out of Delft
- Lexicon in 8 Languages (Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering)
- Limit Analysis in Soil Mechanics
- Limit Equilibrium and Finite Element Analysis of Slopes
- Linear and Non Linear Numerical Analysis of Foundations
- Linear and Non-linear Numerical Analysis of Foundations
- Liquefaction of Soils During Earthquakes
- Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) for Deep Foundations
- Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) for Reliability AnalysisDesign of Piles Axial Capacity
- LRFD Design and Construction of Shallow Foundations for Highway Bridge Structures
- Manual de construcciones sismo resistentes en adobe
- Manual of Soil Laboratory Testing Vol 1
- Manual of Soil Laboratory Testing Vol 3
- Manual of Soil Laboratory Testing Volume 2 - Permeability, Shear Strength and Compressibility Tests
- Manual on Estimating Soil Properties for Foundation Design
- Mat Foundations
- Mechanics of Ballasted Rail Tracks
- Mechanised Shield Tunnelling, 2nd Edition
- Mechanized Tunnelling in Urban Areas
- Micropile Design and Construction
- Modeling of Pile Footings and Drilled Shafts for Seismic Design
- Modeling Soil Liquefaction Hazards for Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering
- Modelling of Soil-Structure Interaction
- Modelling Rock Fracturing Processes A Fracture Mechanics Approach Using FRACOD
- Modern Trends in Geomechanics
- Modification of LRFD Resistance Factors Based on Site Variability
- Mohr Circles, Stress Paths and Geotechnics
- Moments and Reactions for Rectangular Plates
- Moving the Earth - The Workbooks of Excavation
- New Austrian Tunneling Method (NATM) - Stability Analysis and Design
- New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice
- Nondestructive Testing of Deep Foundations
- Nonlinear Analysis in Soil Mechanics
- Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering by Helmut F. Schweiger
- Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering
- numerical modelling of tunnelling processes for assessment of damage to buildings
- Offshore & Nearshore Geotechnical Engineering
- Offshore Geotechnical Engineering
- Offshore Pile Design
- Offshore Soil Mechanics
- On Internal Erosion in Embankment Dams
- Optimal Design of Vertical Drains in Soft Ground
- Panhandle Residential Foundation Manual
- Performance of a Pile-Supported Embankment
- Performance of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Walls Supporting the FoundersMeadows Bridge and. Approaching Roadway Structures
- Performance of Reinforced Soil Structures
- Performance-Based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering
- Performance-Based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering; Concepts and Research
- Petrology of Sedimentary Rocks - 2nd Edition
- Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 6th ICPMG
- Physical Modelling in Geotechnics
- Physical Soil Mechanics
- Pile Design and Construction Practice - 4th Edition
- Pile Design and Construction Practice - 5th Edition
- Pile Design and Construction Practice
- Pile Design and Construction Rules of Thumb
- Pile Design for Structural and Geotechnical Engineers
- Pile Foundation Analysis and Design - H G Poulos & E H Davis
- Pile Foundation Analysis and Design
- Pile Foundation Design & Analysis by H G Poulos and E H Devis
- Pile Foundation Design - A Student Guide
- Pile Foundation Design Calculation
- Pile Foundation Design Example
- Pile Foundation Design
- Pile Foundation
- Pile Foundationx
- Pile Foundations in Engineering Practice
- Piled Foundations in Weak Rocks
- Piled Raft Foundations for Tall Buildings
- Piling Engineering - 3rd Edition
- Piling Engineering
- Piling Handbook - Sheet Piles
- Piling Handbook
- Plasticity and Geotechnics
- Practical Advice on Foundation Design - Micropiles
- Practical Design and Inspection Guide for Helical Piles and Helical Tension Anchors
- Practical Design of Sheet Pile Bulkheads
- Practical Foundation Engineering
- Practical Handbook of Grouting Soil, Rock, and Structures
- Practical Lessons from the Loma Prieta Earthquake
- Practical Soil Dynamics - Case Studies in Earthquake and Geotechnical Engineering
- Prediction of surface settlements due to tunneling in soft ground
- Pressuremeters in Geotechnical Design
- Priciples of Soil Dynamics
- Principals of Geotechnical Engineering - 5th Edition
- Principles and Practices of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
- Principles of Foundation Engineering - 7th Edition
- Principles of Geotechnics
- Principles of Soil Dynamics 2nd Edition
- Principles of Soil Dynamics
- Probabilistic Methods in Geotechnical Engineering
- Problem Solution Manual for Unsaturated Soil Mechanics
- Problem Solving in Soil Mechanics
- Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
- Raft Foundations Design and Analysis with a Practical Approach
- Rapid Load Testing on Piles
- Recommendations on Excavations 2nd Edition
- Recommendations on Excavations
- Reinforced Soil Engineering ( Advanced in Research and practice ) - Hoe
- Reinforced Soil Engineering - Advances in Research and Practice
- Reliability-Based Design in Geotechnical Engineering - Computations and Applications, Kok-Kwang Phoon
- Research Report on Internal Erosion in Embankment Dams
- Residential Foundations-Design Behavious and Repair by Robert Wade Brown
- Retaining and Flood Walls
- Retaining Wall Design
- Retaining Walls
- Review of Design Method for Excavations
- Risk Assessment in Geotechnical Engineering Risk Assessment
- Rock Blasting and Overbreak Control
- Rock Characterisation, Modelling and Engineering Design Methods
- Rock Failure Mechanisms Explained and Illustrated
- Rock Mass Classification, A Practical Approach in Civil Engineering
- Rock Mechanics and Engineering
- Rock mechanics In Underground Construction
- Rock Slope Engineering - Civil and Mining
- Rock Slopes - Design, Excavation, Stabilization
- Rock Stress and Its Measurement
- Rock-Socketed Shafts for Highway Structure Foundations
- Rockfill in Hydraulic Engineering
- Seepage Course Notes by Prof. Duncan
- Seepage Notes
- Seismic Analysis and Design of Bridge Abutments. Considering Sliding and Rotation
- Seismic Analysis and Design of Retaining walls and Buried Structures, Slopes
- Seismic Analysis and Design of Retaining Walls, Buried Structures, Slopes, and Embankments
- Seismic Behaviour of Micropiles
- Seismic Design and Retrofit Detailing Fundamentals
- Settlement Analysis
- Shallow Foundations - Bearing Capacity and Settlement, Second Edition
- Shallow Foundations by Robert Kimmerling
- Sheel Piling Handbook-Design
- Sheet Piling Design by Pile Buck
- Sheet Piling Handbook
- Single Piles and Pile Groups Under Lateral Loading 2nd Edition
- Single Piles and Pile Groups Under Lateral Loading
- Six-Minute Solutions for Civil PE Exam Geotechnical Problems
- Slope Stability Analysis and Stabilization-New Methods and Insight, YM Cheng
- Slope Stability Analysis by the Limit Equilibrium Method
- Slope Stability and Erosion Control - Ecotechnological Solutions
- Slope Stability and Erosion Control; Ecotechnological Solutions
- Slope Stability and Stabilization Methods
- Small Dams - Planning, Construction and Maintenance
- Soft Clay Behaviour
- Soft Ground Improvement
- Soil and Rock Construction Materials
- Soil Behavior and Critical State Soil Mechanics by Daavid Muit Wood
- Soil Behavior and Geo Micromechanics
- Soil Behaviour - MIT Lecture Notes by Prof. Ladd
- Soil Dynamics and Machine Foundations
- Soil Dynamics And Special Design Aspects
- Soil Dynamics
- Soil Engineering - Testing, Design and Remeiation
- Soil Foundation Structure Interaction
- Soil Laboratory Manual by Braka M Das
- Soil Liquefaction
- Soil Mechanics (U.s. Army Corps Of Engineers)
- Soil Mechanics - Basic Concepts and Engineering Applications
- Soil Mechanics and Foundations - Muni Budhu - 3 ed
- Soil Mechanics and Foundations, 3rd Edition
- Soil Mechanics Book
- Soil Mechanics by Arnold Verruijt
- Soil Mechanics by Prof. John Atkinson, City University, London
- Soil Mechanics by Roberto Nova
- Soil Mechanics by T. William Lambe and Robert V Whitman
- Soil Mechanics, A One-Dimensional Introduction
- Soil Mechanics-NAVFAC
- Soil Mechanics
- Soil Mechanics; Basic Concepts And Engineering Applications
- Soil Nailing Design
- Soil Nailing
- Soil Naling and Gunting
- Soil Retaining Structures
- Soil Specimen Preparation for Laboratory Testing
- Soil Stabilization and Pavement Recycling with Self Cementing Coal Fly Ash
- Soil Stress-Strain Behavior
- soil structure interaction Extreme Loading Conditions
- Soil Structure Interaction for Deep Foundations
- Soil-Structure Interaction - The Real Behaviour Of Structure
- Soil-Structure Interaction for Deep Foundations, Excavations and Tunnels
- Soils and Foundations Handbook
- Solutions Manual to Design Analysis in Rock Mechanics
- Some Useful Numbers on the Engineering Properties of Materials
- Specification for Ground Treatment
- Specification for tunnelling Third edition
- Springer Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
- Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geo Engineering
- Stability of Slopes
- Stabilization Soil with Self Cementing Ashes
- Standard Guidelines for the Design and Installation of Pile Foundations
- State of the Art Sheet Piling Foundation Solutions and Their Applications
- State of the Practice in the Design of Tall, Stiff, and Flexible Tieback Retaining Walls
- Static and Dynamic Lateral Loading of Pile Groups
- Steel Sheet Piling Design Manual
- Strength Analysis in Geomechanics
- Strip Foundations for Houses
- Structural And Geotechnical Design of a Piled Raft For A Tall Building Founded on Granular Soil
- Structural Foundation Designers Manual
- Structural Foundation Manual for Low-Rise Buildings - M F Atkinson
- Support of Underground Excavations in Hard Rock
- Surface and Underground Excavations - Methods, Techniques and Equipment
- Technical Manual for Design and Construction of Road Tunnels
- Technical Manual for Strata
- Testing and Performance of Geosynthetics in Subsurface Drainage
- The Analysis of a Single Pile
- The Canadian System of Soil Classification
- The Design of Piled Foundations
- The Design of Vibro Replacement
- The Effect of Surcharge Loading Adjacent to Piles
- The Emergence of Unsaturated Soil Mechanics
- The Engineering of Foundations
- The Measurement of Soil Properties in the Triaxial Test
- The Mechanics of Soils and Foundations
- The Mohr Circle
- The Premixing Method
- The Response of Piles During Earthquakes
- The Rock Physics Handbook Tools for Seismic Analysis of Porous Media
- The Rock Physics Handbook
- The Sand Compaction Pile Method
- Theoretical and Numerical Unsaturated Soil Mechanics
- Theoretical Foundation Engineering
- Theoretical Manal for Pile Foundations
- Theoretical Soil Mechanics by Karl Terzaghi
- Theoretical Soil Mechanics
- Theory and Practice of Foundation Design
- Theory and Practice of Pile Foundations by Wei Dong Guo
- Theory and Practice of Pile Foundations
- Timber Pile Design and Construction Manual
- Time Effects in Rock Mechanics (Materials Modelling & computation) by N. D. Cristescu
- Tower foundation design
- Treatment for Embankment Settlement Problems
- Uncertainty and Ground Conditions - A Risk Management Approach
- Uncertainty and Ground Conditions; A Risk Management Approach
- Underground Infrastructure of Urban Areas
- Underground Work in Hard Rock Tunnelling and Mining
- Underpinning and Retention
- Underwater Embankments on Soft Soil
- Unsaturated Soil Mechanics in Engineering
- Unsaturated Soil Mechanics
- Unsaturated Soils - A Fundamental Interpretation of Soil Behavior
- Unsaturated Soils - Advances in Geo Engineering
- Vegetation for Slope Stability
- Very Soft Organic Clay Applied for Road Embankment
- Worked Examples Design of Pile Foundations
- Workshop on Tunneling Methods
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[Part 2]
[Part 3]
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